221 research outputs found

    Nuevos accesos a la C-32 en el municipio de Teià

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    Como su nombre indica, este proyecto pretende facilitar el acceso de los habitantes del municipio de Teià a la autopista C-32. Para ello, se propone el diseño de nuevas vías de acceso y salida en dicho municipio. El proyecto consiste principalmente en dar una alternativa viable a dichos habitantes, ya que actualmente los únicos accesos a la autopista C-32 disponibles están situados en Premià de Dalt y Alella, obligando a los habitantes de Teià a desplazarse a dichos municipios para acceder a la autopista. El proceso a seguir se inicia con el levantamiento topográfico de la zona, con el objetivo de conocer las características del terreno en el cual se pretende implantar el proyecto. La toma de datos se ha realizado mediante estación total. Además, con el fin de mejorar los resultados, se han tomado observaciones con GPS de algunas de las bases del levantamiento, para orientar y dar buenas coordenadas al trabajo dentro de la cartografía del ICC. Una vez obtenidos los datos del levantamiento y procesadas las coordenadas de la nube de puntos radiados, se han realizado los viales de acceso con la ayuda del programa Istram-Ispol v10, un software específico para el diseño del trazado de carreteras. Para realizar el diseño, se ha seguido la normativa vigente, tanto en el trazado de los viales, como en el impacto ambiental y las medidas de seguridad. El apartado gráfico está formado por los planos de situación geográfica y geológica y el plano topográfico a escala 1/1000. Éste último se ha complementado con el estado de alineaciones y sus correspondientes secciones y perfiles. Por último se han realizado los planos de señalización y drenajes

    Apparatus contribution to observed nonclassicality

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    Any nonclassical effect noticed in measured statistics is usually attributed just to the light state being observed. According to Born's rule, quantum probabilities are given by the overlap between the system state and measurement states in a quite symmetrical way. We demonstrate that the nonclassicality of the measurement is a necessary condition to obtain nonclassical statistics. To this end, we present a detector characterization for two-observable joint detection processes based on detector tomography. This is particularized to the most common signatures of nonclassical light

    Referring Expressions and Communicative Success in Task-oriented Dialogues

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    This paper studies lexical and structural properties of coreference chains in task-oriented dialogue and investigates their relationship with perceived and factual com-municative success. In line with previous literature, our quantitative analysis shows that lexical entrainment is the most reliable predictor of task success, among the ones we compute. But also that there is a complex relationship between these factors – for example, neither high nor low, but rather intermediate levels of lexical alignment predict high perceived and factual success

    Nonclassical joint distributions and Bell measurements

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    Derivation and experimental violation of Bell-like inequalities involve the measurement of incompatible observables. Simple complementarity forbids the existence of such joint probability distribution. Moreover, the measurement of incompatible observables requires different experimental procedures, which no necessarily must share a common joint statistics. In this work, we avoid these difficulties by proposing a joint simultaneous measurement. We can obtain the exact individual statistics of all the observables involved in the Bell inequalities after a suitable data inversion. A lack of positivity or any other pathology of the so retrieved joint distribution is then a signature of nonclassical behavior

    Acute telomere deprotection prevents ongoing BFB cycles and rampant instability in p16 INK4a -deficient epithelial cells

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    Altres ajuts: AB and DD were supported by a Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona fellowship (456-01-1/2012) and Generalitat de Catalunya fellowship (2013FI_B200188).Telomere dysfunction drives chromosome instability through endless breakage-fusion-bridge (BFB) cycles that promote the formation of highly rearranged genomes. However, reactivation of telomerase or ALT-pathway is required for genome stabilisation and full malignant transformation. To allow the unrestricted proliferation of cells at risk of transformation, we have established a conditional system of telomere deprotection in p16 INK4a -deficient MCF-10A cells with modified checkpoints. After sustained expression of a dominant negative form of the shelterin protein TRF2 (TRF2 ΔBΔM), cells with telomere fusion did progress to anaphase but no signs of ongoing BFB cycles were observed, thus anticipating proliferation defects. Indeed, 96 h TRF2 ΔBΔM expression resulted in noticeable growth proliferation defects in the absence of cell cycle disturbances. Further transient periods of 96 h telomere uncapping did not result in cell cycle disturbances either. And reduction of the telomere damage to short acute deprotection periods did not in any case engender cells with a reorganised karyotype. Strikingly, the growth arrest imposed in cells showing dysfunctional telomeres was not accompanied by an activation of the DNA damage response at cellular level, or by the presence of visible markers of senescence or apoptosis. We propose that the deprotection of many telomeres simultaneously, even for a short time, results in a local activation of the cellular stress response which consequently triggers gradual cell withdrawal from cell cycle, restraining the onset of genomic instability

    SMACS : modelling urban 3D environment (MURE)

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    OsloMet University is planning to close its campus in Kjeller in 2023 to create a new campus in the Romerike region. This change aims to improve and strengthen the synergies between the university and different companies in order to train students professionally, as well as to improve the quality of the campus in terms of accessibility and location, university life and even teaching. Four students from the European Project semester had the opportunity to take part in this project and propose a solution to design a potential new campus of OsloMet University based on an analysis of the people's flow from an existing building. This report shows the path followed during the whole semester, from the working methodology, the research, the contextualization and analysis of information and data to the final proposal: the creation of a tool to help in making decisions about the design and layout of the new campus to improve the people's flow and take advantage of all the available space. A hypothetical proposal has been developed of how the new campus could be distributed, providing three factors of flexibility in terms of location, number of people and rooms and versatility in the use of the available spaces. To show this in a visual way, a 3D model has been designed that allows you to enter the building and visualise how each of the floors that make up the campus are distributed.Grado en Ingeniería en Electrónica Industrial y Automátic

    Beam splitter as quantum coherence-maker

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    The aim of this work is to answer the question of how much quantum coherence a beam splitter is able to produce. To this end, we consider as the variables under study both the amount of coherence of the input states as well as the beam splitter characteristics. We conclude that there is an optimal combination of these factors making the gain of coherence maximum. In addition, the two-mode squeezed vacuum arises as the studied state most capable of gaining coherence when passing through a beam splitter. These results are qualitatively equivalent for the l1-norm of coherence and the relative entropy of coherence

    Distance-based approach to quantum coherence and nonclassicality

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    We provide a coherence-based approach to nonclassical behavior by means of distance measures. We develop a quantitative relation between coherence and nonclassicality quantifiers, which establish the nonclassicality as the maximum quantum-coherence achievable. We compute the coherence of several representative examples and discuss whether the theory may be extended to reference observables with continuous spectra

    Comerç d'animals exòtics

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    Treball presentat a l'assignatura de Deontologia i Veterinària Legal (21223

    Construction of the Poincare sheaf for higher genus curves

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    Let XX be a smooth projective curve of genus gg and LL be a degree ll line bundle on XX with l≥2g−1l\geq 2g-1. Denote the stack of rank two Higgs bundles on XX with value in LL by Higgs\mathcal{H}iggs and the semistable part by Higgsss\mathcal{H}iggs_{ss}. Let HH be the Hitchin base. In this paper we will construct the Poincare sheaf P\mathcal{P} on Higgs×HHiggsss\mathcal{H}iggs\times_{H}\mathcal{H}iggs_{ss} which is a maximal Cohen-Macaulay sheaf and flat over Higgsss\mathcal{H}iggs_{ss}. In particular this includes the locus of nonreduced spectral curves.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1709.0529
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